Empowering adults in North Idaho to navigate community resources eliminating barriers to accessible care.
Sunrise Social Services LLC
Jessica Anthony, LMSW, CCM.
Independent Case Management Services.
Welcome to Sunrise Social Services. My name is Jessica Anthony. I grew up in North Idaho graduating with a Masters Degree in Social Work, from Boise State University, in 2013.
Most of my career has been working in the acute care hospital setting as a case manager/discharge planner. I also have experience working with children, and families, in the education setting. Growing up in North Idaho provides me with experience, and familiarity, with local community resources.
I also have nonprofit experience assisting in the start up of a local nonprofit that was active for five years, Wired2Learn Foundation. Currently I'm supporting Wired2Learn Academy in their nonprofit journey by assisting with fundraising/event planning.
Sunrise Social Services LLC was inspired in loving memory of my father who always encouraged working towards achieving goals by breaking down the barriers.
Sunrises symbolize hope and a new beginning.